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April 7, 2020

Bonus Episode 3: Doors Will Open

Bonus Episode 3: Doors Will Open

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We will face change constantly in our careers and our personal lives. Doors will close and doors will open. For this bonus episode, I am discussing a few reasons why a door will close on us in our career. We should remain positive and keep looking for new opportunities. Always have your network ready and be helpful to others also.

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Hi, this is Steven McClane. I host the finance leader Podcast, and this is bonus episode number three. Now, for these bonus episodes, I'm gonna talk about some leadership concepts to prompt you while I am preparing season number two, which is gonna debut on April 28th. So today I want to talk about something that's gonna impact everyone throughout their career. It's not just a one time thing. It's not just gonna affect a small population of our profession. It's really literally gonna affect everyone out there. Now, during our lives in our careers were gonna face change constantly. Sometimes doors will close on us. But I also believe that doors will open and we must be ready and notice it. Now, there are a couple of things to consider how doors close on us and then the doors open. So I'm gonna go through just a couple of things. A couple things for you to think about as you go throughout your career. And then a door closes on you, and sometimes it's just not your fault. Sometimes leadership above us changes out. And then we realize that we're no longer a fit. A new leader comes in. There's a culture change. There's a new focus. There's different priorities from when we were hired, and sometimes you just no longer a fit, and that door closes for you on that team and that's OK, and you just continue to look for something better. You look for something that maybe you fit a little bit better than in the company or find another organization to join. Sometimes new opportunities become non existent. Maybe someone else got the promotion that you wanted. Maybe they're no lateral moves within the company that you would be a good fit for. And you have to go look for somewhere else for a new opportunity. What I want you to do is no matter what happens, no matter what happens when you figure out that the door is closed on you, we continue to remain positive and we don't look down on ourselves. We don't get upset, we're grateful and then we move on. We continue to be thankful for the experience we have gained the friends we have made, the professional relationships that we have made in the connections that we have made in the workplace. We continue to be thankful and grateful, and we appreciate what everyone else has done for us. We definitely appreciate the experience that we have an experience that we can bring to the next job opportunity that we get to find. So I want to encourage you to always be looking for opportunities, even if you are very happy in the position and the job that you are currently holding. I want you to continue to look for those opportunities, and I want you to always have your network ready. Continue to keep your network robust anytime a new person comes into your life, professionally or personally, that you feel that you can also be a good professional connection to or you feel that person can help you down the road. Don't be afraid to connect with them. And don't be afraid to do a Lincoln invitation and then just tell him who you are and then Adam to your network, and then remember that it's a good give and take that. As much as that person can probably help you, that you can help that person or someone else in your network, you can link up the two, so continue to look for those opportunities with a B it another job or role in the company or a professional connection that you can add to your network and again doors continually close as you go throughout your career, year after year and different roles that you have, Sometimes a door will close on you where you think you were gonna get a promotion or you're gonna get another opportunity and it just closes on you. It happens. It happens to everyone. But doors also open all the time. And I believe when we get out of this crisis that we're in right now and I'm recording this in March of 2020. What new opportunities are gonna be waiting for you? Are you ready for them? Can you see those new opportunities? I can see them. There's gonna be a lot of opportunities out there. Just wait again. I want to remind you that I am working on season number two of this podcast and it's gonna debut on April 28th. I am looking forward to bringing you some great content that you can apply to your leadership. You can help to grow your team that you can make your team better and make yourself better again. I believe that when you grow your leadership, you will be able to set yourself apart from your peers. And that will provide even more opportunities to you down the road. I very much appreciate all the feedback that I get. Also want to encourage you to join my free Facebook group? The link is on the description. Please continue to grow yourself and to grow others around. You don't forget to take care of your team during this crisis. Look out for them. Look out for their needs. Ask them what's going on in their lives and find out what they need. How can you help? Don't be more successful during this time of crisis. Thank you so much. Now go do great things and set a great example in this tough time. I'll see you next week. Thank you.