Send us a text Performance reviews may not be the most exciting topic, but determining a team member’s potential is critical to developing your team. Also, let’s think about performance reviews in a different way and that is ...
Send us a text A coach can help you see areas of your leadership and performance that must improve. The best coaching sessions are when we discover for ourselves what we need to change. If you desire to achieve positive …
Send us a text I am talking about setting expectations for your team members. What you do, what you hold as accountable, and what you let slide as far as behavior and work performance will become new standards. Set clear …
Send us a text The team’s culture determines how well everyone respects each other and works together. How do you want your team to interact with each other? Do you want to be all business all the time, more relaxed, …
Send us a text Since you will have to train and work with new people, how are you shaping and influencing the process? Are you working with HR to find the best candidates? Also, do you really know what the …
Send us a text What do I mean when I say team culture? It’s the values, beliefs, and attitudes that are present on your team. Who controls this culture? Well, many factors control this. As a leader, you set the …
Send us a text We need to be doing some important things in our life to ensure we reduce anxiety and stress. Additionally, as a leader, you should be setting the example for others to follow. This bonus episode is …
Send us a text We should be continually reviewing our goals ensuring they are realistic, they are measurable, they can be achieved, and are time based. It’s best when we break up our goal into smaller, more easily achievable ...
Send us a text We all need a mentor, and we can also become a great mentor to someone else. When looking for a mentor, I prefer someone who I had previously worked for with a history of a great …
Send us a text We often think of conflict as something that is destructive. And it often is, but there are times when healthy conflict can drive you to a new level of excellence. As leaders, I want you to …
Send us a text I am talking about wellness as part of an overall fitness plan. We should not be just surviving our jobs and our life, but, in fact, thriving, where we go to a higher level of overall …
Send us a text Our morning routine is important. It sets up our day for success and having the right attitude. Exercise, eating healthy, a creative outlet and also building up our spirit for positive interaction. It’s all imp...
Send us a text Your goal is to be the CFO and even the CEO so you need to start preparing now. You need to develop the skills and mindset to grow into an effective senior leader. Don’t wait until …
Send us a text Are you playing it safe in your career by not pushing yourself to reach your potential? When we stay in our comfort zone, we are oppressing ourselves by preventing our own advancement. You need to own …
Send us a text Perfectionism comes from insecurity and not necessarily from a desire to perform at a high level. When we fear others or we seek their approval, we can aim to be more perfect in our work, but …
Send us a text There are so many ways in which we limit ourselves from achieving our goals. A self-imposed limit is defeating ourselves before we even begin. Once we convince ourselves that there no limits to what we can …
Send us a text We all need coaching to help us see things in ourselves that we do not see. Becoming more coachable is having a growth mindset ready to change so we can rise to the next level. Humbling …
Send us a text What is your Big Goal for 2021? For goals to be effective, they must be written down, be measurable, be specific, have a completion date, be realistic and achievable. I talk about Goal Setting in 2021 …
Send us a text This upcoming week is New Year’s Day. The New Year gives us a great opportunity to start over, to start fresh. To begin anew. The New Year provides us the chance to address our goals, but …
Send us a text Hope has always been my most significant way of moving forward, dealing with adversity, and becoming more resilient. Hope is what keeps me going. I know that tomorrow and next week will be better. No matter …
Send us a text A spreadsheet can be an amazing tool to analyze data or create a report, when planned out and organized properly. Our spreadsheet files should be simple and easy to use by all members of our team. …
Send us a text Strategy is often a set of tough choices of what to do and what not to do with the limited resources you have. Your strategy includes your target market, your product and service offerings, the business …
Send us a text Adapting to a People Focused Leadership style will create a dynamic environment where you develop and empower your team instead of only trying to complete items off your to-do list. There are three significant ...
Send us a text Why do teams fail? Often, leaders don't realize their teams or organizations are failing due to complacency. It's not usually the product or service line that has caused the failure, but actually ineffective co...